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Flexible Consulting Options Based on Your Needs

At Thinkout, we provide customized proposals and solutions based on your unique requirements. Whether you simply need some copy written, a new website design, or a new strategic direction, we get to the heart of your needs and provide the guidance and tools to take your business to the next level. Below are examples of some of the types of projects we deliver for our clients.

Core Services

Integrated Marketing Planning
Based upon established goals, Thinkout will recommend, conduct and manage appropriate research methods to define market and customer segments and devise marketing strategies.  From this analysis, we develop tactical plans integrated across product management, IT, customer care, and marketing communications. In some cases we serve as our client's outsourced marketing department and manage the execution of these plans.

Marketing plans will often include branding recommendations, email marketing intiatives, online advertising, keyword strategies, customer care training, and public relations.

Strategic Operations Audit
Thinkout assesses the role technology plays in driving operational efficiencies. We review your Internet and eBusiness initiatives as well as opportunities with other departments to reduce costs, create additional value and streamline operations. We also review your organizational structure to ensure it effectively supports new processes across the company.  During the Strategic Operations Audit, Thinkout will work closely with members of your team to identify opportunities and set specific goals for improvement.

Strategic Plan Development
With the Strategic Operations Audit as Ground Zero, we work with your team across functional areas to obtain valuable input and buy-in before developing actionable plans. The Strategic Plan identifies the necessary path to achieve the goals identified in the Strategic Operations Audit. This plan of action will include the necessary initiatives and timing for implementing new teams, technologies, processes, marketing, and communication. We also provide guidance on key measures for tracking success.

Web Site Strategic Audit
Thinkout will assess how well your site supports its revenues goals and delivers a consumer experience worthy of your brand.  We will conduct usability tests to determine the optimal navigation and recommend how to best organize your site for the best results. We also analyze competitors’ sites in order to view their strengths and weaknesses as a benchmark for your site. By analyzing the competition and thoroughly reviewing your site, we recommend best in class practices for improving your site's performance and appeal.

Organizational Resource Audit
We are experts in building teams with the critical experience and personal characteristics to get the job done.  We will work with you to determine the skills needed to build your business, and together we will devise an organizational plan across functional teams.  We will assist Human Resources with recruiting strategies to align the business structure and team members with the goals of the division and company.


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